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"Leave Your Leaves Alone"  














Awareness of the decline in insect populations - an issue thrust into the mainstream with the publication of the alarming NYT article “The Insect Apocalypse” - inspired a November 13 workshop staged by PGC with the Putnam County Master Gardeners.  Organized by our Horticulture and Conservation committees, the workshop and talk, “Fall Cleanup for Responsible Gardeners”, focused on ways to aid the environment by offering perspectives on how fall cleanup and "leaving your leaves alone" can affect the insect populations.



Workshop attendees included, from left, Matthew Weigman, Annie Patton, May Ni, James Li, Barbara Price and Tracey Jordan.

Putnam County Master Gardener Janis Butler gave a talk about the many beneficial insects that need to overwinter.


Event attendees learn how to make houses for native solitary bees from coffee cans.


PGC Horticulture Co-Chairs Annie Patton and Matthew Weigman.  Annie did a "show and tell" in her own garden during the workshop.

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